I survived the Dragon.

Since I left Los Angeles I looked forward to riding in and around the Smoky Mountains. Even though I have to expedite my trip to get back to Los Angeles I scheduled time to ride a couple well known routes. In order to get to these famous roads I decided to drive through the Smoky Mountain National Park on a Sunday during peak leaf-peeping season and it took me two and a half hours to drive thirty miles. Once I headed into the park there was no turning back and I kept telling myself that traffic will speed up.
Just looking at this photo makes me want to vomit.
I guess you really have to experience sitting in traffic on a motorcycle to really appreciate the distain I have for it. You are constantly balancing a 500lb machine at 10 miles an hour or slower, or you are holding up a 500lb machine waiting to move forward 10ft all while it radiates a few hundred degrees of heat between your legs. After so much of this you justify to yourself passing a few cars whenever you get the chance. I found a chance and passed a few cars only to notice there was a police car behind me.
I was pulled over by the nicest Officer and after bullshitting about my trip for awhile he let me go with a warning.
With only a couple hours of daylight left, I made it to Deals Gap motorcycle resort which is located at the bottom of The Dragon's Tail. People from all over the country trailer in their motorcycles to ride on these roads.
Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort
Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort
Bikes that didn't survive Route 129. I'm not sure if I feel more sorry for the tree or the idiots that crashed their bikes.
Riders getting ready at the top of The Dragon's Tail.
View from Route 129
That's me. I took the luggage off of my bike and locked it to a fence at the bottom of the route.
Sunset from the summit of the Cherohala Skyway. I had to drive through those clouds when the road starts to descend.