Marc and Nanci
Not only did Nanci and Marc take me surfing for the first time but they cooked me lobster which I had never had before, at least not a whole lobster. It definitely was a day for the memory books.
Marc works as a contractor, engineering specially designed mobile structures like the ones used to launch rockets and also loves to ride motorcycles. Nanci owns and operates the local surf shop and also teaches surfing lessons. Her shop is called Aquaholics (www.aquaholicsurf.com). It isn't unusual for them to have guest at there home on a regular basis. They are unbelievably generous and both love to surf.
I am so glad I was able to meet both of these people. The shitty thing is they live over 3,000 miles away from me.
Thank you Marc and Nanci for the roof over my head, the seafood in my stomach, and the surf board under my feet. You guys are just ahsome.
My first plate of lobster and mussels.
It's worth it.
I like Nanci's Mother's painting.
Old Orchard Beach, ME
Stock photo of me surfing.
Nanci and Erica looking at her cankles.